Pas-de-Calais Press Corner
Find the latest press releases, newsworthy events and inspiration for your next trip around the Louvre-Lens, the Opal Coast and the countryside In Northern France.
Our press file features all the must-sees, the main events, as well as the latest openings and future developments in the closest destination to the UK.
Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front) listed to UNESCO world heritage
Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front) listed to UNESCO world heritage
Audresselles: authentic, maritime and a little bit wild
With a strong character and a love of fishing, Audresselles is the most typical of our fishing villages.
The very best produce and a bagful of joy at the market!
There is nothing like a trip to the market. Freshly caught fish, organic vegetables, local meats, cheeses with character or gourmet products,
The Friteries of the Nord are real high fryers!
French Fries Happiness factories; how else could you describe the Friteries of the Nord? Popular and festive, friendly and authentic, they are literally overrun at mealtimes! The queues that form are often the ultimate chat room. Local goings-on, the latest news, everything, nothing, life itself! You come with your XXL salad bowl to fill generously […]
Fresh fish, from sea to plate
Whether bought directly from a fisherman's stall or at a fishmonger's shop, eaten at a restaurant table or at a popular festival, freshly caught fish is always a treat. From the most refined to the most humble species, there is something for every taste and every budget. Happiness is usually served on the plate!
Take a boat trip and explore unique UNESCO-listed marshes
The Audomarois Marsh, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is a unique marshland dating back to the Middle Ages. Explore by boat, visit a traditional boat builders and sample local produce.
The herring smokehouses of Boulogne-sur-Mer
Boulogne sur Mer in Northern France is the largest fishing port in Europe and has a long tradition of smoked firsh and fresh seafood.
The cheeses and beer of Belval Abbey
The cheeses and beer of Belval Abbey in Northern France
Discover fine family cheese making on a guided tour
Les Frères Bernard Sainte Goldeleine cheese dairy : a family dairy following traditional cheesemaking method The Sainte Godeleine cheese dairy nestles within a little village called Wierre-Effroy just 20 minutes from Boulogne-sur-Mer and 30 minutes from Calais. It all began in 1990, when Antoine and Joachim Bernard decided to transform the raw cow’s milk from […]
Craft brewing brothers and their Quentovic beers
Quentovic visit a craft brewery in Northern France White, blonde, amber and dark beers : Pas-de-Calaisis a veritable kingdom of brewers Whilst certain breweries date back to the 19th or 20th centuries, the Quentovic brewery at Beaurainville is much younger: Jean-Jacques and Grégoire Bouchez, two brothers obsessed with beer, took the plunge in June 2014. […]
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